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1. Connecting a Phone to Wi-Fi

As a member of the CSUSM community you can connect to the wireless (WiFi) network using your campus username and password. All campus visitors can connect to WiFi via the guest network by providing an email address to authenticate. 

If you are a student, connect to the CSUSM network, NOT CSUSM-Open

In addition, CSUSM provides a connection to eduroam, a global wireless network for research and education. Eduroam provides wireless access at participating institutions through the use of their home institution credentials.

For connecting an iPhone to the "CSUSM" or "eduroam" please follow the instructions on this guide.

For connecting an Android device to the "CSUSM" or "eduroam" please follow the instructions on this guide.

2. How to Connect to Guest Wi-Fi

If you are a guest at CSUSM you will be able to login to our csusm-open network following the instructions on this guide.

3. Basic Network Troubleshooting

4. Troubleshooting CSUSM wireless


1. How to Register a Device for Dorm Wi-Fi

As a student living the in the dorms at CSUSM, you are able to connect devices to our open network by submitting an authentication form. 

If you are attempting to connect a TV to the network, please fill out the "TV Authentication" form. For a game console or other device (such as an Amazon Alexa) please fill out the "Game Console Authentication" form.

The form will require you to find the device's MAC address, please check this guide for instructions for your specific device.